On-page SEO
On-page SEO

On-page SEO, the name defines where the optimization would be required. It is the process for optimization carried out on the web pages of the given website. Content on the Web page and Web post form the part of the Website.

On-page SEO is within our control and can be done by us easily.

Methods of On-Page SEO or On-Page Elements

It is important to work on the elements of the On-Page so that the webpage is more relevant and seeks the attention of the Search Engines.

Below is the list of techniques which should be optimized On-Page.

  • High Quality and Original content

  • Include of Keywords accurately

  • include images and videos

  • No grammatical mistakes

  • Readable

  • Use of points and bullets

High Quality and Original Content
High Quality Content

Writing good quality content, which is unique is one of the important steps. It is part of On-page SEO.

  • The content should be original and plagiarism-free.

  • Also writing content which is helpful to the audience.

  •  It Should target specific age groups.

  • The topic of the content should be most sought after.

We can make use of Google, Google Trends and keyword finder tools to aid in identifying the topic for our content.

Include of Keywords accurately

Keyword Usage

Before we start our content writing we need to check for Keywords. Keyword research is equally important.

It is also important to put the keywords accurately in our content.

There are various keyword research tools available. 

  • Semrush

  • Ubersuggest

  • SEO tools

Let’s look at the Keyword search tool Ubersuggest. Here you need to sign up. For the full version, you need to go for the subscriptions which are monthly or annually.

But you get daily 3 searches free which as a beginner can be used.

Link – https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

Ubersuggest website
Ubersuggest website

On search, we get related keywords which are sorted by volume and keyword difficulty.

It is recommended to target the high volume and low keyword difficulty keywords.

Once finalising the top 10 keywords we can start with Content writing and plan to use these keywords in our content.

The main keyword would be the primary keyword and others can be considered secondary keywords.

It is important to place these keywords for better identification by Search Engines.

  • Main Heading H1

  • First paragraph

  • Sub headers (H2, H3, H4 till H6.)

Includes Images and Videos

Include images and videos in the content as it is important to:-

  • Increases the chances of ranking

  • Increases user experience

  • Increases the quality of the content

Images and videos

It is also important to use good-quality images and videos which is relevant to the content. Using images and videos that have no relevance to the content doesn’t help in ranking the content.

Since the Image occupies a large amount of space both in the results page and the content area. It is therefore an important part which helps in ranking the page.

By using good quality images and videos one should keep in consideration the size as well. If the size is large it will load slowly and increase the loading time.

There are different tools available that one can use to reduce the size of images and videos. But keeping in mind the quality is not compromised.

Please check Image Optimization for advanced techniques to be followed.

No Grammatical Mistakes

It is an important part of On-Page SEO. Content should be of good quality with no grammatical mistakes. Content with good grammar has a lot of value and significance. 

The content written should be grammatically correct. Content with no grammatical or spelling mistakes is considered good quality. Even the search engines check the content during crawling. 

As a result, it impacts the ranking of the page not directly but indirectly. It results in:-

  • Loss of traffic

  • Reduced user engagement

  • Click Through Rate decreases (CTR)

  • Backlinking problems

It creates a bad experience for users reading the content with grammatical and spelling mistakes. As a result, Trustworthiness, Credibility and Brand value are lost and impacted.

Incorrect grammar would eventually change the meaning of the context. One may not understand and pose a communication gap. It is one factor which influences whether the user will continue on the website or move on to the next website.

We often tend to make mistakes which can be as mentioned below:-

  • Incorrect word usage – Which/That; effect/affect; 

  • Spelling mistakes

  • Incorrect homophones – their/there/they’re

  • Incorrect punctuation

  • Incorrect phrases

  • Incorrect sentence structure

How to fix grammatical mistakes?

Correct Grammar

We can follow the below steps to rectify grammatical mistakes and spelling in the content.

  • Proofreading – Reading the content again and again.

  • Hiring Proofreaders for the task who can edit and make changes.

  • Learn the rules for punctuation and parts of speech.

  • Ask friends and family to read and identify mistakes

  • Use of Grammer checker – Grammarly is one such tool which one can use

Bullets and Points

Within the content, it is important to list the information and phrases in the form of bullets and points. It helps to boost SEO and is an effective strategy.

It allows the user to easily go through good-to-know pointers and increases the user’s experience and readability.

Bullets and Points

This method is used to organize and emphasize information quickly and effectively.

Users prefer information in bullet points instead of reading the paraphrase for the same.

For creating effective bullets and points, it is important to use keywords that draw the attention of users.

Advanced On-page SEO

We have already checked the basic On-page SEO techniques. Apart from those techniques, there are other important techniques which are required to be performed. These techniques form part of advanced on-page SEO.

These advanced on-page SEO techniques directly influence the ranking of a page. They also help in elevating user experience to the next level.

We can install different plugins which would speed up the page and image optimizing it manually. We just need to check the settings and select as per the requirement. 

There are other plugins which run and share information related to page speed along with other quality metrics.

We can also make use of certain tips and tricks which are being reported by these plugins.

What are Advanced On-page SEO techniques?

It is important to optimize the webpage so that it opens up pretty fast. This refers to page speed, how quickly the page loads when the link is clicked.

If a page loads fast, it is more user-friendly and the audience stays on the we

bsite navigating different pages. 

If it takes time to load, the user might not wait for the entire page to load. They may deviate from the site and move over to the website which loads pretty fast.

It is also equally important to load images together with the page.

The below techniques are part of advanced on-page SEO.

  • Domain names

  • User Engagement

  • URLS

  • Page Titles

  • Title Tags,

  • Meta description

  • Focussed keywords

  • Headers

  • Image Alt text

  • Internal links

  • External links

  • Schema Markup

  • Image optimization

  • Sitemaps

  • Navigation


On-page SEO is a very important SEO technique done on the web page/Website. This is within our control. This doesn’t take much time and can be done successfully. There are basic techniques which can be performed. Apart from basic techniques, there are advanced On-page SEO techniques which are equally important.

Importance of SEO
SEO is important

The primary importance of SEO is to rank the website higher, increase visibility and attract large audiences. These audiences keep coming back due to good experiences.

The whole and sole purpose of SEO of a website is to increase ranking. For this different methods are used.

SEO Results

By doing SEO, the following are the results achieved.

  • Improve the website

  • Increase its visibility

  • Improving its ranking so that it is listed on the search engine result page

  • increases the large audiences that is traffic

Improves the Website

SEO helps in improving the Website so that it is easily crawled by the crawler. Also, it has an impact on the experience of the user. It helps to rank the websites so that they rank higher and are displayed on the first page.

Improving means increasing the Quality of content so that it caters to the information related to the topics being discussed. The content should be original and in correct format.

Content should be in the correct format with correct Headings and subheadings. Usually Headings from H1 to H6 are used. H1 to be used once per page. Other sub headings H2 to H6 may repeat.

Display of information in bullet points also helps to improve the readability thus improving the content overall.

Improving a website leads to a good user experience and visitors keep coming back because of this experience. This also helps in high ranking of the web page.

Another method to improve the website is addition of Images, videos, graphs, tables and statistics. These provide a good experience overall.

Increase Visibility 

Whenever the query is made, the search result for the same query is displayed. The audience sticks to the first page and rarely proceeds to the next page.

It is important to follow all the SEO techniques to optimize the web page. We need to follow the guidelines given by the Search Engine for the optimization. This results in high ranking of the web page by the search engine crawler and is displayed on top of the first results page.

Being displayed on the first page of the search engine results page increases the visibility and traffic altogether.

Increase Traffic 

75% of the clicks are either on the first or second results displayed on the page.

We get more clicks when the content ranks higher, which leads to an increase in Traffic.

High ranking and Quality content tends to get more traffic. Audience keeps coming back if the experience is as expected.

Also high ranking content is displayed on the results page and gets more clicks.

CTR is Click Through Rate for the website..

Why is SEO Important?

SEO is important as it boosts marketing channels. Organic search results in 53% of all website traffic.

It is forecasted to increase further by 2028 it is forecasted to reach $122.11 billion.

Organic search is the method followed by people to search and access online content. SEO best practices have become important to ensure that it is easily found and more traffic is generated on the Website. 

  • It helps to drive business results which eventually is useful for brands, businesses and organizations of all sizes.

  • With more and more searches being made to get information about various products and services. 

  • Also for research and comparisons of products and services.

  • It becomes important for brands and businesses to be search engine friendly to boost visibility and sales and generate leads.

  • All this is possible by improving visibility, and high rank in search.

Search alone is the primary source of traffic for websites,

SEO is incredibly important because the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) pages are super competitive and contain a variety of information which is important to target large audiences.


SEO is very important from the aspect of ranking a given webpage. For the web page to be displayed on the first page of SERP it is important to optimize it. It increases the visibility and improves the website leading to a good experience for the visitors