Categories: BlogSEO


SERP Elements (Search Engines Result Page)

Besides just displaying the title and the website name. There are other elements which can be displayed on the Search Engine Results Page which makes the browsing important.

These elements displayed on SERP are


Sitelinks are hyperlinks to different pages on a given website. Clicking the links takes you to the respective pages on the website.

In other words, it displays links to additional pages within the website. Using which audience can easily switch to these pages for better information.

It is mainly used for better navigation within a website.

Knowledge Panels

Whenever we search for a specific person, place, or thing the information is displayed in the boxed form.

This provides a quick summary of the information related to the searched content.

It is displayed under the heading About

Knowledge Panels are of two types

Both of these require approval from Google.

The benefits of the Knowledge Panel are

Featured Snippets

These are special boxes with short text information, that answer the query made on Google Search. Instead of displaying the entire web page.

It helps to display the exact information from the given web page which is very much relevant to the search query made.

Clicking on the link takes one to the web page for detailed information.

The main purpose of Feature Snippets are

Types of Feature Snippets – Four main types

Definition Box – Provides summary of definition or description to the search query

Mostly used to answer “What is” query on Google search

The Table – Displays the information in the table format after pulling the data information from the page

The Ordered List – Displays the information in the list format. In other words in the form of Bullets and points. Follow the order by displaying more relevant information on top.

The Unordered List – Displays the information but does not follow any set of order formats. Do not follow the relevance of information.


Google Maps makes a company or place more visible in local search results. They help the brand to stand out from the competition.

A Map is displayed in the middle or near the top of the Search Engine Results page.

On the left, it displays information in the list format for the business or places and on the right, it shows the map with the location marked for easy navigation


Images are displayed with the link. These links route back to their source website. These images reflect the content on the given page.


They are displayed with the link. These links route back to their source website. These videos reflect the content on the given page and act as a booster for the content.

People Also Ask –

It is the question displayed on SERP which is directly related to the main search query.

These are additional information which may be beneficial to the audience who made the Search query on Google.

These also help to drive traffic on the website if the questions are displayed in the section.

It is displayed mostly on the first and second page of the Search results page. It appears initially within the first 4 results and also at the bottom of the search result page.

To be listed in the People Also Ask section, one should focus on choosing a target keyword as per the topic. Also content should be in Question and Answer format.

Related Searches-

This section is found at the bottom of the first Search results page which links to related information to the query of the search.

On the left, it displays information in the list format for the business or places and on the right, it shows the map with the location marked for easy navigation

There are in total 8 related search terms which are displayed in this section. Clicking on any of the search terms opens a new search results page based on the search term clicked.


SEO is very important from the aspect of ranking a given webpage. For the web page to be displayed on the first page of SERP it is important to optimize it. It increases the visibility and improves the website leading to a good experience for the visitors.

I am Shahid Babu, Graduate from Calcutta University. An emerging Blogger and Conent Writer with 10 years of experience in Operations BPO. Love for writing and spreading knowledge is the reson why I am here. I am also a Health Enthusiast.

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