Nutrients in Food
What is a Nutrient?

What is a Nutrient How is it related to Nutrition? Are Nutrient and Nutrition both the same? These and more similar questions come to our mind.

Nutrient refers to anything present in the food and required for growth and development of the body of living things and also in reproduction.

Nutrient and Nutrition

Nutrient is the chemical combination found in food that is required by the body of any living being to function effectively and be healthy.

The process of getting these nutrients from living things is known as Nutrition.

There are almost 40 different kinds of Nutrients but majorly they are classified under 7 Broad categories.

These nutrients work together to maintain Good Health and prevent diseases and illness. In short, to remain Healthy and active. They help to support both Physical and Mental health.

Why Nutrients are essential for the Body?

Nutrients are vital since it is required by the body for different functions. It helps to keep you healthy, in reproduction and growth.

It helps in the overall development and growth of the body. To be precise Cells, Tissues and Muscles.

Nutrients are required in adequate amounts and one should include all the essential nutrients.

  • It helps to build new cells, in its growth and development. 

  • Repairs damaged cells and tissues. It heals the body.

  • It keeps Skin, Bones, Hair, Nails and Teeth healthy.

  • Aids in digestion, prevents constipation and good bowel movement.

  • It helps to carry other nutrients and oxygen to all body parts.

  • Growth and regulation of hormones, enzymes and antibodies.

  • Minimize the risk of Cardiovascular diseases.

  • Keeps a check on type 2 diabetes.

  • Growth of muscles, bones, hair and skin including their development.

  • Keeps the blood pressure in control.

  • Better Immune system that makes you stronger.

  • Better functioning of the brain and nervous system.

  • Provides energy to carry out day-to-day activities.

What are the different types of nutrients?

Nutrients are essential for keeping one healthy and growing. Deficiency of Nutrients or Excess Nutrients as harmful effect on the body. Based on the body requirements (Quantity) it is classified into two – Macronutrients and Micronutrients.

7 essential nutrients

Macronutrients  –

Consumed in large quantities and vital for our body. Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Dietary Fibre and Water are Macronutrients.

Micronutrients – 

Consumed in fewer quantities, deficiency of these micronutrients results in health problems. Vitamins and Minerals are Micronutrients.

All nutrients are equally important as they provide nourishment to living organisms that lead to better life and health.

Nutrients are required either in large quantities – macronutrients

or in few amounts – Micronutrients. We have already discussed this above.

There are in total 7 types of nutrients that are required in varied quantities.

  • Carbohydrates

  • Proteins

  • Fats

  • Minerals

  • Dietary Fibres

  • Vitamins

  • Water

7 Essential Nutrients

Carbohydrates – 

They are required in large quantity and forms one of the main ingredients of food. They are macronutrients.

Up to 45 to 65 percent of the total daily calories required by the body come from Carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are sugars and starches that provide energy to all the cells and tissues.

Carbohydrates are classified into two Simple and Complex.

Simple Carbohydrates –  are required in less quantity to keep the body healthy. Examples are White Bread and Pasta.

Complex Carbohydrates –  are required by the body to keep it healthy.

Cabohydrates Source

Importance of Carbohydrates

  • Good Immune system

  • Functioning of the Brain

  • Energy to carry out various tasks

Sources of Carbohydrates

  • Cereals like Rice, Wheat Maize, Brown Rice and Whole Grains like Oats and Quinoa.

  • Fruits and Vegetables.

  •  Pulses (Gram, Moong, Beans)

Proteins – 

It is a macronutrient that is required by every cell in a body for proper functioning.

It is not just the building block for the body it also helps to repair muscles and tissues.

Protein alone forms 16% of a person’s body weight.

Proteins are built from different amino acids. Some amino acids are received from the food we eat. Other amino acids are prepared within the body.

Protein Source

Importance of Proteins

  • Growth of muscles, bones, hair and skin.

  • Growth of Hormones, Enzymes and formation of Antibodies.

  • It is fuel for cells and tissues

  • Repair Damaged tissues and muscles

Sources of Proteins

  • Red meats

  • Poultry and Eggs

  • Fish and Seafood

  • Soy

  • Dairy Products

  • Nuts and Seeds

  • Whole grains like Quinoa

Fats – 

They are macronutrients, required by the body in large quantities. 

But speaking of Fat people consider it to be bad. They link it with Obesity and overweight directly.

But still, fats are required by the body to maintain health in the right quantity. More specifically Healthy fats.

Fats provide energy to your body as they are high in calories.

20 to 30 percent of the required calories come from fat daily.

Fat Source

Fats are classified into Saturated Fats and Unsaturated Fats.

Saturated Fats – These are bad fats and one should avoid taking them and should limit them.

Unsaturated Fats – They are healthy fats and are required by the body. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Omega 3 and omega fatty acids are classified under unsaturated fats.

Importance of Healthy Fats

  • Growth of the Cells

  • Helps to clot blood

  • Build new cells

  • Minimize risk of Cardiovascular diseases

  • Keeps check on type 2 diabetes

  • Blood sugar balance

  • absorption of minerals and Vitamins

  • Production of body hormones

  • Better Immune system

  • Prevents heat loss in winter

Source of unsaturated fats

  • Nuts & Seeds

  • Fish Salmon and Tuna

  • Vegetable Oils

  • Avocados

Minerals – 

They are micronutrients that are required in large quantities, some in traces as well. There are 13 minerals, that are classified based on the quantity requirement in the body.

Macrominerals – It is required in large quantities. Almost 100 mg/day. 


They are Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Sodium, Potassium and Chloride

Benefits to the body 

  • Keeps the water level balanced

  • Keeps skin, hair and nails healthy

  • Keeps bones healthy

Microminerals – It is required in traces. Almost 15 mg/day. 

They are Iron, Zinc, Iodine, Copper, Manganese, Fluorine and Chromium.

Benefits to the body

  • It Strengthens the bones

  • Prevents decay of tooth early

  • Carry Oxygen to all parts of the body

  • Maintain healthy blood pressure

Sources of Minerals

  • Fruits and Vegetables

  • Milk and Dairy products

  • Sea Food

  • Poultry and red meat

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Beans and legumes

Dietary Fibre – Also known as Roughage

They are not digested but are essential for the proper functioning of the digestive tract.

25 to 35 grams of fibre are required by all age groups per day for good health.

There are three types of Dietary Fibre, all are essential for good health.

  • Soluble Fibre
  • Insoluble Fibre
  • Prebiotic Fibre
Dietary Fibre

Insoluble Fibre – It helps to absorb fluids and makes it easier for the stool to pass.

Source – Whole grains, nuts beans, seeds and fruits with edible seeds like kiwis grapes and raisins.

Soluble Fibre – It collects waste products from the metabolism, hormones and chemicals that are not required by the body and thus helps in elimination. If these are not removed by the body, may cause problems.

Source – Beans, Flax seeds, apples, avocados

Prebiotic Fibre –  It helps the bacteria present in the intestine to produce a compound which in turn helps to keep healthy.

Importance of Fibre

  • They help to keep the stomach and intestines healthy. It is mainly a carbohydrate.

  • It prevents constipation and good bowel movement.

  • It prevents feelings of hunger and gives a sense of fullness and thus helps to keep sugar levels in check.

Source of Fibre – 

  • It is found in wholegrain cereals Oatmeal, Bran and Flax seeds.

  • Fruits and Vegetables (Broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes).

  • Nuts with almonds are high in dietary fibre.

Vitamins – 

 It is a micronutrient that is required in less amount and has a wide range of benefits.

There are 13 Essential Vitamins.

Vitamins are further divided into Fat Soluble and Water Soluble

  • Fat Soluble
  • Water Soluble

Vitamin Source

Fat Soluble – It is mainly found in Animal Fats, Vegetable Oil and Dairy products. They get stored within the body for future use. It is not required daily.

  • Vitamin A 

  • Vitamin D 

  • Vitamin E 

  • Vitamin K

Water Soluble – It is water soluble and found in Fruits, Vegetables and Grains. They are not stored in the body so, are required daily.

  • Vitamin B 1 (Thiamine)

  • Vitamin B 12 (Cyanocobalamin)

  • Vitamin B 6 (Pyridoxine)

  • Vitamin B 2 (Riboflavin)

  • Vitamin B 5 (Pantotheni acid)

  • Vitamin B 3 (Niacin)

  • Vitamin B 9 (Folic acid)

  • Vitamin B 7 (Biotin)

  • Vitamin C

Importance of Vitamins

  • They boost our immunity

  • They maintain healthy skin and hair

  • They help to keep the brain functioning effectively

  • They prevent cancer, especially lung and prostate cancer

  • Are powerful antioxidants.

  • They heal the body

Source of Vitamins – 

  • Vegetables and Fruits. 
  • Dairy products 
  • Animal fats.
  • Eggs
  • Nuts

Water – 

It is the most essential nutrient in the group.

Our body is composed mostly of water. Water alone comprises 62 percent of the body weight.

Without one cannot survive more than a few days. less intake of water would result in dehydration and harms our health including headaches and hinders the proper functioning of the body both physically and mentally.

The best source is the natural water available to drink. People mostly use packaged water which we also call mineral water.


Importance of Water

Water has several functions in our body

  • Helps in the transportation of nutrients 

  • Flush out toxins from the body in the form of urine and sweat

  • prevents constipation thus good bowel movement

  • Keeps the body hydrated and energetic

  • Acts as a shock absorber

  • as a lubricant in the body.

  • Regulates body temperature

Source of Water

The best source is the natural water available to drink. People mostly use packaged water which we also call mineral water.

  • Packaged water is liked by many people and also helps in easy transportation

  • People also add lemon and honey to the water and consume it.

  • Other sources included juices, tea, coffee and Soda.


The living body works day in and day out and performs many functions. For all these and other processes nutrients are required.

Most organisms create these nutrients within the body but not all nutrients. The essential nutrient requirement is fulfilled by the intake of food. Thus food is one of the primary sources of these essential nutrients.

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