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FAQs Nutrition

Answers to the frequently asked questions related to Nutrition for good Health and Well-being.

Questions do arise when it comes to the intake of particular food types. Here you can find answers to the frequently asked questions.

In case questions are not being listed feel free to mention them in the comment box.

Individuals need to be healthy and should include a balanced and complete diet. Also, it is important to consult the doctor in case any complications arise.

One should listen to the body and take into account past experiences with the food type.

Fruits are considered to be healthy. All the fruits have certain health benefits and are full of nutrition. This means fruits are filled with nutritional benefits.

Fruits are considered to be healthy. All the fruits have certain health benefits and are full of nutrition. This means fruits are filled with nutritional benefits.

One fruit may be healthy for one and provide nutritional benefits. But this doesn’t mean that the same fruit will be beneficial for all individuals. Some fruits do not go well with some people. These don’t provide the same benefits to all the people.

Identifying which fruits are beneficial and which fruits to avoid is essential. It is recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist. If there is any discomfort in eating one type of fruit, it is best to avoid it.

In addition to selecting the correct fruit, timings and portions do matter. One should stick to the correct timings. It may happen that eating fruits during the day does not cause any discomfort but the same fruit might cause discomfort when taken during the night. 

Similarly, small portions when taken are beneficial for the body. At the same time if taken in more quantity results in discomfort.

Eating fruits is not restricted to any time, be it day or night. But still, some people follow this strict rule of not taking in fruits at night as it may lead to digestive issues and sleep disruption. And as a result, have an impact on health.

There are certain fruits which people avoid taking during the night or may reduce the intake to some portions only. For some body types, it goes down well but for some, it may not even suit and results in certain complications leading to acidity, indigestion and heartburn.

Every fruit has a different impact on the body. It may not go down with all body types

Below are the fruits which one has to look out for

Thus the outcome is fruits are healthy but the portion does matter. Eating too much will have side effects. Also for some people, the timing would matter.  And some may have to skip taking it at night.

It is important to listen to one’s body. The age factor also plays an important role.

At a young age one can freely intake all kinds of fruits and in any quantity. But with age it is different. The digestive tract may not function as it used to do at a young age.

In old age, one develops symptoms of indigestion, and acidity.


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Fruits are healthy and beneficial for the body. But the fruit intake has a different impact on a different body. 

Although there are some fruits which when taken help to ease the gas problems In some people there is the tendency of gas development whenever they eat anything in the morning. Doctors recommend gas medicine which when taken in the long run may result in side effects as well. 

We will discuss them in detail now. Mostly gas develops when the digestion is not as required. This is mainly due to indigestion only. These fruits contain a certain enzyme which helps in the digestion of the food

But again it may not be helpful for everyone. It is important to see if the body suits.  It is important to consult the doctor and decide on the fruits carefully and rely on the correct portions.

It is mostly seen that gas forms in Pregnant Lady. But one should not take these fruits without consulting the doctor. As it may lead discomfort and majore implications on the body.


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No single fruit can be deemed the “best” for overall health. A balanced diet is key to providing the body with a wide range of essential nutrients. Eating a variety of fruits ensures that you obtain different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fibres. 

Each fruit has its own unique set of nutrients that contribute to overall health. Here are a few fruits that are often considered particularly beneficial:

A healthy diet is all about variety and moderation. The addition of a wide range of fruits ensures the body gets all the nutrients. It is important to consider individual health requirements. 

Along with it follow the restrictions and preferences depending on the body and past experiences. It is recommended to get in touch with the doctor and the dietician to carefully select the fruits and discuss the implications if any.

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Yes, eating bananas at night can be a good option for a bedtime snack. Bananas contain several nutrients that can contribute to a healthy and balanced diet, and they offer a few benefits that might be particularly advantageous in the evening:

While bananas can be a good choice for a bedtime snack, it’s essential to be mindful of individual dietary preferences and any specific health considerations. If you have concerns about blood sugar levels or other health conditions, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized advice. Additionally, portion control is key, as consuming an excessive amount of any food, including bananas, before bedtime may lead to discomfort.

Ultimately, if you enjoy bananas and they agree with your digestive system, incorporating them into your evening routine can be a tasty and nutritious way to satisfy hunger before bedtime.


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Fruits are considered to be very healthy as they provide nutrition. They help to fight against various diseases.

Every fruit has its own benefits, thus one should definitely consume all the fruits available.

If we speak about highly energetic fruit.

Mango is one fruit which is highly energetic and should be consumed in the required portions.

Mangoes are rich in Vitamins, minerals and natural sugar which act as quick energy boosters.

The natural sugars in mangoes are available in the form of Fructose and glucose which are easily broken down to provide energy.

They are also rich in antioxidants which act to boost overall well-being.

Mangoes provide an instant burst of energy when consumed.


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Yes, without any second thought. You can eat fruit at night. Fruits are a healthy and nutritious snack option, even in the evening. Still, we need to keep a note of the below pointers.

Overall, fruits are healthy and form an evening light snack. Still, it may not be suitable for everyone. It is important to be aware of the body’s response and select fruits which work well.

If there are any dietary restrictions due to past health-related issues. It is very much recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist and take their advice.


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Come winter you get to find different kinds of fruits in the market. Mostly Citrus fruits can be seen which are tasty and great to savour in the winter season.

Nowadays one can easily find these fruits in the market but in less quantity.

Below is the list of 10 fruits which can be seen flooding the market in the winter season.


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Fruits in breakfast is a good thing. Breaking overnight fast requires Protein and Vitamins being fulfilled by fruits.

We can have Apples, Bananas, Papayas, Mango, Kiwis etc.

But in addition to proteins and Vitamins we do require energy for different activities which is fullfilled by eating Carbs.

Carbs provide energy and keep us full for a longer period.

So, Fruits alone in breakfast is not a good idea. It should be backed with carbohydrates.

I take fruits in breakfast but top it up sometime with Oats smoothies, Poha and Dalia.

This indeed is healthy and helpful for weight loss.


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Dry Fruits are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. They are healthy and aid in weight management. They are whole food and provide nourishment. They are also rich in dietary fibre and antioxidants.

Dry fruits are one of the most nutritious foods available. They are also rich in Fibre content which is considered healthy for the body.

The fibre content in dry fruits helps to keep the gut and stomach healthy and working.

The fibre content varies among the available dry fruits. Some are rich in fibre content and should be included in the diet.

Prunes: also known as dried plums, are one of the best sources of dietary fibre. They are particularly well-known for their digestive benefits.

Figs: Dried figs are rich in dietary fibre. They can be eaten on their own or added to various dishes.

Apricots: Dried apricots contain a good amount of fibre and are a healthy snack option available.

Dates: Dates are a good source of dietary fibre, though they are also relatively high in natural sugars, so it’s best to consume in appropriate portions.

Raisins: Raisins have a moderate amount of fibre and can be a convenient, portable snack.

Dried Apples: along with their skin provide a reasonable amount of dietary fibre.

When consuming these fibre-rich dry fruits it is important to consume plenty amount of water and keep hydrated.


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There are varieties of Dates which one can find in the market. Basis their popularity and type accordingly the price may vary.

All the dates have good nutritional value and are very much recommended for a Healthy body.

If you remember it is only recommended to eat dates, but no where it is mentioned which type of dates to eat.

Dates are of different types and thus named as Irani, Chocolaty, Mariam, Safawi, Kalmi, Ajwa and more to continue.

The best dates which can be taken are either Kalmi or Ajwa although they are costly but are good to eat and taste.

Dry fruits should be consumed in the correct portion. So it is important to connect with the dietician or the nutritionist.

Dry fruits are well-known for their nutritional value. They are very healthy and keep us fit.

Below is the list of 10 such dry fruits-

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Fruits are healthy and beneficial for the body. But the fruit intake has a different impact on a different body. 

Although there are some fruits which when taken help to ease the gas problems In some people there is the tendency of gas development whenever they eat anything in the morning. Doctors recommend gas medicine which when taken in the long run may result in side effects as well. 

We will discuss them in detail now. Mostly gas develops when the digestion is not as required. This is mainly due to indigestion only. These fruits contain a certain enzyme which helps in the digestion of the food

But again it may not be helpful for everyone. It is important to see if the body suits.  It is important to consult the doctor and decide on the fruits carefully and rely on the correct portions.

It is mostly seen that gas forms in Pregnant Lady. But one should not take these fruits without consulting the doctor. As it may lead discomfort and majore implications on the body.

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I am Shahid Babu, Graduate from Calcutta University. An emerging Blogger and Conent Writer with 10 years of experience in Operations BPO. Love for writing and spreading knowledge is the reson why I am here. I am also a Health Enthusiast.

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