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FAQs Nutrition

 Answers to the frequently asked questions related to Nutrition for good Health and Well-being...
FAQs Nutrition
FAQs Nutrition

 Answers to the frequently asked questions related to Nutrition for good Health and Well-being.

Questions do arise when it comes to the intake of particular food types. Here you can find answers to the frequently asked questions.

In case questions are not being listed feel free to mention them in the comment box.

Individuals need to be healthy and should include a balanced and complete diet. Also, it is important to consult the doctor in case any complications arise.

One should listen to the body and take into account past experiences with the food type.


Fruits are considered to be healthy. All the fruits have certain health benefits and are full of nutrition. This means fruits are filled with nutritional benefits.

Fruits are considered to be healthy. All the fruits have certain health benefits and are full of nutrition. This means fruits are filled with nutritional benefits.

One fruit may be healthy for one and provide nutritional benefits. But this doesn’t mean that the same fruit will be beneficial for all individuals. Some fruits do not go well with some people. These don’t provide the same benefits to all the people.

Identifying which fruits are beneficial and which fruits to avoid is essential. It is recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist. If there is any discomfort in eating one type of fruit, it is best to avoid it.

In addition to selecting the correct fruit, timings and portions do matter. One should stick to the correct timings. It may happen that eating fruits during the day does not cause any discomfort but the same fruit might cause discomfort when taken during the night. 

Similarly, small portions when taken are beneficial for the body. At the same time if taken in more quantity results in discomfort.

Eating fruits is not restricted to any time, be it day or night. But still, some people follow this strict rule of not taking in fruits at night as it may lead to digestive issues and sleep disruption. And as a result, have an impact on health.

There are certain fruits which people avoid taking during the night or may reduce the intake to some portions only. For some body types, it goes down well but for some, it may not even suit and results in certain complications leading to acidity, indigestion and heartburn.

Every fruit has a different impact on the body. It may not go down with all body types

Below are the fruits which one has to look out for

  • Citric FruitsCitrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, lemons etc. are rich in citric acid which may not go down well with some people. Consuming at night leads to heartburn and acidity. These symptoms are seen mostly when people lie down to take rest at night.

  • Pineapple – Taking this fruit may also not go down well with a few of the people. Although it aids in digestion due to the enzyme which it contains. But in others, it may lead to digestive issues and discomfort.

  • Watermelon – Watermelon helps in hydrating the body since it has a high amount of water. However, taking it at night may result in sleep disruption. People may have to wake up and urinate in the middle of the night.

  • Berries – Berries also go down with most people. But on the other hand with some people, it may lead to acidity and indigestion. A small portion is ok.

  • Bananas – Bananas are considered to help keep the digestive tract healthy. Also, they promote sleep in some individuals. But may cause discomfort in some people due to natural sugars and potassium content.

Thus the outcome is fruits are healthy but the portion does matter. Eating too much will have side effects. Also for some people, the timing would matter.  And some may have to skip taking it at night.

It is important to listen to one’s body. The age factor also plays an important role.

At a young age one can freely intake all kinds of fruits and in any quantity. But with age it is different. The digestive tract may not function as it used to do at a young age.

In old age, one develops symptoms of indigestion, and acidity. 


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Fruits to avoid Gas

Fruits are healthy and beneficial for the body. But the fruit intake has a different impact on a different body. 

Although there are some fruits which when taken help to ease the gas problems In some people there is the tendency of gas development whenever they eat anything in the morning. Doctors recommend gas medicine which when taken in the long run may result in side effects as well. 

We will discuss them in detail now. Mostly gas develops when the digestion is not as required. This is mainly due to indigestion only. These fruits contain a certain enzyme which helps in the digestion of the food

  • PapayaThis is one fruit which is recommended to take during the morning. It contains an enzyme known as papain which helps in the digestion of proteins and reduces gas.

  • Pineapple – This fruit contains an enzyme called bromelain which has anti-inflammatory properties and also helps in the digestion process

  • Kiwi – It helps to increase blood in the body. Apart from this it also helps in digestion of the food and proteins. It contains an enzyme called actinidin

  • Bananas – Are rich in dietary fiber which helps in digestion keeps bowel movement intact and reduces gas formation. Keeps the stomach full for a longer time 

But again it may not be helpful for everyone. It is important to see if the body suits.  It is important to consult the doctor and decide on the fruits carefully and rely on the correct portions.

It is mostly seen that gas forms in Pregnant Lady. But one should not take these fruits without consulting the doctor. As it may lead discomfort and majore implications on the body.


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Fruits for health

No single fruit can be deemed the “best” for overall health. A balanced diet is key to providing the body with a wide range of essential nutrients. Eating a variety of fruits ensures that you obtain different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fibres. 

Each fruit has its own unique set of nutrients that contribute to overall health. Here are a few fruits that are often considered particularly beneficial:

  • Berries ( Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries): Berries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fibre. They are associated with various health benefits, including improved heart health and cognitive function.

  • Apples: Apples are a good source of dietary fibre. They contain a form of soluble fibre called pectin. They also provide vitamins and antioxidants.

  • Bananas: Bananas are rich in potassium, which is important for heart health and helps regulate blood pressure. They are also a good source of Vitamin C and Vitamin B6.

  • Oranges: Oranges and other citrus fruits are known for their high Vitamin C content. These support the immune system and promote skin health. They also provide fibre and various antioxidants.

  • Avocados: They are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, potassium, and vitamins, particularly Vitamin K and Vitamin E.

  • Papaya: Papaya is a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and folate. It also contains an enzyme called papain which aids in digestion.

  • Kiwi: Kiwi is packed with Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and dietary fibre. It also contains antioxidants that can benefit overall health.

  • Grapes: Grapes, especially red and purple varieties, contain antioxidants such as resveratrol, which has been linked to heart health benefits.

A healthy diet is all about variety and moderation. The addition of a wide range of fruits ensures the body gets all the nutrients. It is important to consider individual health requirements. 

Along with it follow the restrictions and preferences depending on the body and past experiences. It is recommended to get in touch with the doctor and the dietician to carefully select the fruits and discuss the implications if any.

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Bananas at night

Yes, eating bananas at night can be a good option for a bedtime snack. Bananas contain several nutrients that can contribute to a healthy and balanced diet, and they offer a few benefits that might be particularly advantageous in the evening:

  • Sleep Aid: Bananas contain the amino acid tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin and melatonin—hormones that regulate sleep. Eating a banana before bed may promote relaxation and help improve sleep quality.

  • Rich in Potassium: Bananas are a good source of potassium, an essential mineral that plays a role in muscle contractions, including the heart muscle. Having a banana at night can contribute to maintaining proper electrolyte balance.

  • Digestive Health: Bananas contain dietary fiber, which can help regulate the digestive system and prevent constipation. A healthy digestive system can contribute to overall well-being.

  • Satisfying and Low-Calorie: Bananas are relatively low in calories and can provide a sense of satiety, making them a satisfying and healthy snack option.

While bananas can be a good choice for a bedtime snack, it’s essential to be mindful of individual dietary preferences and any specific health considerations. If you have concerns about blood sugar levels or other health conditions, it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized advice. Additionally, portion control is key, as consuming an excessive amount of any food, including bananas, before bedtime may lead to discomfort.

Ultimately, if you enjoy bananas and they agree with your digestive system, incorporating them into your evening routine can be a tasty and nutritious way to satisfy hunger before bedtime.


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Mango energetic fruit

Fruits are considered to be very healthy as they provide nutrition. They help to fight against various diseases.

Every fruit has its own benefits, thus one should definitely consume all the fruits available.

If we speak about highly energetic fruit.

Mango is one fruit which is highly energetic and should be consumed in the required portions.

Mangoes are rich in Vitamins, minerals and natural sugar which act as quick energy boosters.

The natural sugars in mangoes are available in the form of Fructose and glucose which are easily broken down to provide energy.

They are also rich in antioxidants which act to boost overall well-being.

Mangoes provide an instant burst of energy when consumed.


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Fruits at night

Yes, without any second thought. You can eat fruit at night. Fruits are a healthy and nutritious snack option, even in the evening. Still, we need to keep a note of the below pointers.

Digestibility: Some people may find it harder to digest certain fruits at night, especially those with high acidity, like citrus fruits. Eating heavy or acidic fruits just before bedtime might cause digestive discomfort or acid reflux in some individuals.

Portion Size: It’s a good idea to be mindful of portion sizes. Consuming a large amount of fruit right before bedtime might lead to discomfort or affect your sleep quality.

Fruit Selection: Opt for fruits that are lower in sugar and higher in fibre. For example, berries, apples, pears, or a small serving of melon are generally good choices.

Timing: If you’re planning to eat fruit at night, try to do so at least an hour before bedtime. This allows your body some time to start digesting the fruit before you lie down.

Personal Preferences: Everyone’s body is different, and what works for one person might not work for another. Pay attention to how your body responds to eating fruit at night and adjust your habits accordingly.

Overall, fruits are healthy and form an evening light snack. Still, it may not be suitable for everyone. It is important to be aware of the body’s response and select fruits which work well.

If there are any dietary restrictions due to past health-related issues. It is very much recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist and take their advice.


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Fruits in winter

Come winter you get to find different kinds of fruits in the market. Mostly Citrus fruits can be seen which are tasty and great to savour in the winter season.

Nowadays one can easily find these fruits in the market but in less quantity.

Below is the list of 10 fruits which can be seen flooding the market in the winter season.

  • Oranges: Oranges are known for their high vitamin C content, making them a great choice during the winter to boost your immune system.

  • Grapefruits: These citrus fruits are another excellent source of vitamin C and can help brighten up your winter mornings.

  • Clementines: These small, sweet citrus fruits are easy to peel and make for a convenient and healthy snack.

  • Pomegranates: Pomegranate seeds are rich in antioxidants and add a burst of color and flavor to your winter salads or desserts.

  • Apples: Various apple varieties are in season during the winter, providing a wide range of flavors and textures.

  • Kiwi: Kiwifruit is a great source of vitamin C and vitamin K, and it’s available during the winter months.

  • Bananas: Bananas are typically available year-round and can be a nutritious addition to your winter diet.

  • Persimmons: These sweet and unique fruits are in season during the winter and can be eaten fresh or used in various dishes.

  • Grapes: Grapes, particularly red and black varieties, are in season during the winter and make for a convenient, healthy snack

  • Pears: Many pear varieties are in season in the winter months, and they can be enjoyed fresh or cooked in both sweet and savory dishes.


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Fruits for health

Fruits in breakfast is a good thing. Breaking overnight fast requires Protein and Vitamins being fulfilled by fruits.

We can have Apples, Bananas, Papayas, Mango, Kiwis etc.

But in addition to proteins and Vitamins we do require energy for different activities which is fullfilled by eating Carbs.

Carbs provide energy and keep us full for a longer period.

So, Fruits alone in breakfast is not a good idea. It should be backed with carbohydrates.

I take fruits in breakfast but top it up sometime with Oats smoothies, Poha and Dalia.

This indeed is healthy and helpful for weight loss.


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Dry Fruits

Dry Fruits are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. They are healthy and aid in weight management. They are whole food and provide nourishment. They are also rich in dietary fibre and antioxidants.

Dry fruits are healthy

Dry fruits are one of the most nutritious foods available. They are also rich in Fibre content which is considered healthy for the body.

The fibre content in dry fruits helps to keep the gut and stomach healthy and working.

The fibre content varies among the available dry fruits. Some are rich in fibre content and should be included in the diet.

Prunes: also known as dried plums, are one of the best sources of dietary fibre. They are particularly well-known for their digestive benefits.

Figs: Dried figs are rich in dietary fibre. They can be eaten on their own or added to various dishes.

Apricots: Dried apricots contain a good amount of fibre and are a healthy snack option available.

Dates: Dates are a good source of dietary fibre, though they are also relatively high in natural sugars, so it’s best to consume in appropriate portions.

Raisins: Raisins have a moderate amount of fibre and can be a convenient, portable snack.

Dried Apples: along with their skin provide a reasonable amount of dietary fibre.

When consuming these fibre-rich dry fruits it is important to consume plenty amount of water and keep hydrated.


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Different Dates

There are varieties of Dates which one can find in the market. Basis their popularity and type accordingly the price may vary.

All the dates have good nutritional value and are very much recommended for a Healthy body.

If you remember it is only recommended to eat dates, but no where it is mentioned which type of dates to eat.

Dates are of different types and thus named as Irani, Chocolaty, Mariam, Safawi, Kalmi, Ajwa and more to continue.

The best dates which can be taken are either Kalmi or Ajwa although they are costly but are good to eat and taste.

Dry Fruits types

Dry fruits should be consumed in the correct portion. So it is important to connect with the dietician or the nutritionist.

Dry fruits are well-known for their nutritional value. They are very healthy and keep us fit.

Below is the list of 10 such dry fruits-

  1. बादाम (Almonds) Badam

  2. काजू (Cashews) Kaju

  3. किशमिश (Raisins) Kishmish

  4. अंजीर (Figs) Anjeer

  5. पिस्ता (Pistachios) Pista

  6. छुआरा (Dates) Chuara

  7. खरबूजा बीज (Cantaloupe Seeds) Kahrbooj beej

  8. अखरोट (Walnuts) Akhrot

  9. मूंगफली (Peanuts) Mungfal

  10. सूखा नारियल (Dried Coconut) Dry Coconut

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Fruits are healthy and beneficial for the body. But the fruit intake has a different impact on a different body. 

Although there are some fruits which when taken help to ease the gas problems In some people there is the tendency of gas development whenever they eat anything in the morning. Doctors recommend gas medicine which when taken in the long run may result in side effects as well. 

We will discuss them in detail now. Mostly gas develops when the digestion is not as required. This is mainly due to indigestion only. These fruits contain a certain enzyme which helps in the digestion of the food

  • PapayaThis is one fruit which is recommended to take during the morning. It contains an enzyme known as papain which helps in the digestion of proteins and reduces gas.

  • Pineapple – This fruit contains an enzyme called bromelain which has anti-inflammatory properties and also helps in the digestion process

  • Kiwi – It helps to increase blood in the body. Apart from this it also helps in digestion of the food and proteins. It contains an enzyme called actinidin

  • Bananas – Are rich in dietary fiber which helps in digestion keeps bowel movement intact and reduces gas formation. Keeps the stomach full for a longer time 

But again it may not be helpful for everyone. It is important to see if the body suits.  It is important to consult the doctor and decide on the fruits carefully and rely on the correct portions.

It is mostly seen that gas forms in Pregnant Lady. But one should not take these fruits without consulting the doctor. As it may lead discomfort and majore implications on the body.

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Please comment, upvote and share with your friends. Post your questions in the Comment section for which you would like to have an answer #

On-page SEO
On-page SEO

On-page SEO, the name defines where the optimization would be required. It is the process for optimization carried out on the web pages of the given website. Content on the Web page and Web post form the part of the Website.

On-page SEO is within our control and can be done by us easily.

Methods of On-Page SEO or On-Page Elements

It is important to work on the elements of the On-Page so that the webpage is more relevant and seeks the attention of the Search Engines.

Below is the list of techniques which should be optimized On-Page.

  • High Quality and Original content

  • Include of Keywords accurately

  • include images and videos

  • No grammatical mistakes

  • Readable

  • Use of points and bullets

High Quality and Original Content
High Quality Content

Writing good quality content, which is unique is one of the important steps. It is part of On-page SEO.

  • The content should be original and plagiarism-free.

  • Also writing content which is helpful to the audience.

  •  It Should target specific age groups.

  • The topic of the content should be most sought after.

We can make use of Google, Google Trends and keyword finder tools to aid in identifying the topic for our content.

Include of Keywords accurately

Keyword Usage

Before we start our content writing we need to check for Keywords. Keyword research is equally important.

It is also important to put the keywords accurately in our content.

There are various keyword research tools available. 

  • Semrush

  • Ubersuggest

  • SEO tools

Let’s look at the Keyword search tool Ubersuggest. Here you need to sign up. For the full version, you need to go for the subscriptions which are monthly or annually.

But you get daily 3 searches free which as a beginner can be used.

Link – https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

Ubersuggest website
Ubersuggest website

On search, we get related keywords which are sorted by volume and keyword difficulty.

It is recommended to target the high volume and low keyword difficulty keywords.

Once finalising the top 10 keywords we can start with Content writing and plan to use these keywords in our content.

The main keyword would be the primary keyword and others can be considered secondary keywords.

It is important to place these keywords for better identification by Search Engines.

  • Main Heading H1

  • First paragraph

  • Sub headers (H2, H3, H4 till H6.)

Includes Images and Videos

Include images and videos in the content as it is important to:-

  • Increases the chances of ranking

  • Increases user experience

  • Increases the quality of the content

Images and videos

It is also important to use good-quality images and videos which is relevant to the content. Using images and videos that have no relevance to the content doesn’t help in ranking the content.

Since the Image occupies a large amount of space both in the results page and the content area. It is therefore an important part which helps in ranking the page.

By using good quality images and videos one should keep in consideration the size as well. If the size is large it will load slowly and increase the loading time.

There are different tools available that one can use to reduce the size of images and videos. But keeping in mind the quality is not compromised.

Please check Image Optimization for advanced techniques to be followed.

No Grammatical Mistakes

It is an important part of On-Page SEO. Content should be of good quality with no grammatical mistakes. Content with good grammar has a lot of value and significance. 

The content written should be grammatically correct. Content with no grammatical or spelling mistakes is considered good quality. Even the search engines check the content during crawling. 

As a result, it impacts the ranking of the page not directly but indirectly. It results in:-

  • Loss of traffic

  • Reduced user engagement

  • Click Through Rate decreases (CTR)

  • Backlinking problems

It creates a bad experience for users reading the content with grammatical and spelling mistakes. As a result, Trustworthiness, Credibility and Brand value are lost and impacted.

Incorrect grammar would eventually change the meaning of the context. One may not understand and pose a communication gap. It is one factor which influences whether the user will continue on the website or move on to the next website.

We often tend to make mistakes which can be as mentioned below:-

  • Incorrect word usage – Which/That; effect/affect; 

  • Spelling mistakes

  • Incorrect homophones – their/there/they’re

  • Incorrect punctuation

  • Incorrect phrases

  • Incorrect sentence structure

How to fix grammatical mistakes?

Correct Grammar

We can follow the below steps to rectify grammatical mistakes and spelling in the content.

  • Proofreading – Reading the content again and again.

  • Hiring Proofreaders for the task who can edit and make changes.

  • Learn the rules for punctuation and parts of speech.

  • Ask friends and family to read and identify mistakes

  • Use of Grammer checker – Grammarly is one such tool which one can use

Bullets and Points

Within the content, it is important to list the information and phrases in the form of bullets and points. It helps to boost SEO and is an effective strategy.

It allows the user to easily go through good-to-know pointers and increases the user’s experience and readability.

Bullets and Points

This method is used to organize and emphasize information quickly and effectively.

Users prefer information in bullet points instead of reading the paraphrase for the same.

For creating effective bullets and points, it is important to use keywords that draw the attention of users.

Advanced On-page SEO

We have already checked the basic On-page SEO techniques. Apart from those techniques, there are other important techniques which are required to be performed. These techniques form part of advanced on-page SEO.

These advanced on-page SEO techniques directly influence the ranking of a page. They also help in elevating user experience to the next level.

We can install different plugins which would speed up the page and image optimizing it manually. We just need to check the settings and select as per the requirement. 

There are other plugins which run and share information related to page speed along with other quality metrics.

We can also make use of certain tips and tricks which are being reported by these plugins.

What are Advanced On-page SEO techniques?

It is important to optimize the webpage so that it opens up pretty fast. This refers to page speed, how quickly the page loads when the link is clicked.

If a page loads fast, it is more user-friendly and the audience stays on the we

bsite navigating different pages. 

If it takes time to load, the user might not wait for the entire page to load. They may deviate from the site and move over to the website which loads pretty fast.

It is also equally important to load images together with the page.

The below techniques are part of advanced on-page SEO.

  • Domain names

  • User Engagement

  • URLS

  • Page Titles

  • Title Tags,

  • Meta description

  • Focussed keywords

  • Headers

  • Image Alt text

  • Internal links

  • External links

  • Schema Markup

  • Image optimization

  • Sitemaps

  • Navigation


On-page SEO is a very important SEO technique done on the web page/Website. This is within our control. This doesn’t take much time and can be done successfully. There are basic techniques which can be performed. Apart from basic techniques, there are advanced On-page SEO techniques which are equally important.

Types of SEO
Types of SEO

Based on the techniques which are being followed for the optimisation of Webpage. The following are the main SEO types that can be identified.

  • On-Page SEO

  • Off-Page SEO

  • Technical SEO

These form the main techniques which are being followed to optimize the webpage and website. It helps the webpage to rank higher during search results. Search engine crawlers easily crawl the webpage, index it and list it on the first page of the SERP.

Besides these, there are other types of SEO. It is important to know about them as well. They are equally important in ranking the webpage.

  • White hat

  • Black hat

  • Grey hat

  • Negative SEO

  • Mobile SEO

  • E-commerce SEO

  • Internation SEO

  • Local SEO

  • Content SEO

  • Youtube SEO

On-page SEO – Definition

Also called On-site SEO. It refers to Content Optimization on the Website. With 100% Control over the content, On-Page SEO can be done easily without any hindrance or any approval being required.

Why On-Page SEO is important?

Whenever a search is made on any of the Search engines, then the most relevant search results are displayed on the SERP.

The results displayed are basis the ranking done by the Search Engines. Search Engines crawl over the page and do indexing.

They follow algorithms which change from time to time. Different Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.) follow their algorithms. But all algorithms focus on the user experience and the best content to elevate the experience.

So the question is what does the Search Engine look for on the webpage to consider it to be displayed on the SERP.

Search Engines look up the different elements on the web page. Thus it is important to work on these elements on the web page and adopt methods which would make the webpage more relevant when Search Engines crawl it.

In other words, Search engines focus on the On-Page SEO signals and thus rank them so that they can be displayed on the first page of the SERP.

Off-page SEO – Definitions

Also called Off-site SEO. We do not have 100% control on this but still, it plays a key role in the success of SEO.

As the name suggests and defines, the optimization method used is done outside the web page. Which means any action taken to improve and optimize SEO outside our site/webpage.

This is equally important for ranking the webpage and also for increasing user experience. 

Below is the method which one can use for successful Off-Page SEO and help in ranking the webpage.

Method of Off-page SEO

  • External backlinks,

  • Content Marketing

  • Local SEO

  • Social media marketing

  • Online promotion through guest blogs and podcasts

  • Brand mentions

  • Reviews

  • Public relations

The impact of Off-page SEO on the ranking of a web page in search engines is much more than the On-page SEO

Off-page SEO is a time-consuming process and is a long-term activity. It cannot be done easily as in Off-page SEO

  • It is difficult to acquire backlinks to our web page from the authority sites

  • It takes time to establish a brand on the Social media platforms

Difference between On-page and Off-page SEO

On-page SEO

Actions Internally

Within the Webpages

It has an impact on ranking

It consumes less time

Off-page SEO

Actions Externally

Outside the website

It has more impact 

It is a time-consuming process

Technical SEO – Technical aspects of website optimization

As the name suggests it includes all the technical aspects which can be carried out to help the crawler, better crawl the page and the page be responsive to the mobile version.

Technical aspects to be rectified and should be done with precision

Below are the technical aspects which can be taken care of to optimise the SEO

Elements for Technical SEO

  • Mobile Friendliness

  • Page load/speed optimization

  • Structure of Website

  • Navigation

  • Sitemap

  • robots.txt

  • Image compression

  • Canonicalization

  • Site Crawling


White Hat SEO is the technique used to improve the ranking of a web page or website, following the guidelines of the search engine. It complies with the terms of service given by the search engine.

It is considered to be an Ethical procedure which is natural.

How to do White HAT SEO?

  • Content Optimize – Keyword research/Keyword input

  • Quality Content

  • Relevant links Internal links

  • Backlinks to another to be relevant

  • Focus on On-page SEO

  • Sitemaps

  • Technical aspects

  • Creating Readable content


Black hat SEO is the technique which increases the ranking of a web page or website using unethical means.

These practices are against the guidelines given by the search engine. This is not approved by search engines.

The use of the black hat strategy gives one an edge over its competitor. This gives results faster without much effort being put in. This advantage is temporary and not permanent.

It is a clear manipulation of the guidelines of the search engine. If the website is found to be using black hat SEO following actions are imposed:-

  • Penalties

  • Being removed from search engine

  • Websites blacklisted

  • Metrics drop

How is Black HAT SEO done?

  • Keyword stuffing – over usage

  • Duplicate content – Plagiarism

  • Article Spinning

  • No paraphrasing

  • Cloaking

  • Hidden Text/Links but visible to Crawler

  • Link Spamming

  • Link Farming


Grey hat SEO is a combination of both White hat SEO and Black hat seo.

A good example would be creating unique and quality content which is White hat. At the same time buying backlinks is a part of Black hat.

Do we use Black Hat SEO in real life?

Yes, we do – the percentage is much less than it comes to using it. About 95% is a White hat and 5% is Black hat SEO. This form of SEO is Grey hat SEO.

But over time it will be considered by search engines to black hat technique and be blacklisted.

What is the difference between White Hat and Black Hat SEO?

White Hat SEO

Ethical process

Long term results

Ranking improves

In line with terms of service

Black Hat SEO

Unethical process

Short term results

Black listed

Against the terms of service


There are different types of SEO. But basis the technique used it is of three types On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO and Technical SEO. Apart from these, there are other SEO types as well.

These techniques help to optimize the web page which increases the user experience and ranks the web page.


SERP Elements (Search Engines Result Page)

Besides just displaying the title and the website name. There are other elements which can be displayed on the Search Engine Results Page which makes the browsing important.

These elements displayed on SERP are

  • Sitelinks

  • Knowledge panels

  • Featured Snippets

  • Maps

  • Images

  • Videos

  • Top stories

  • People Also Ask

  • Related Searches

  • FAQs

  • Google Business Profiles


Sitelinks are hyperlinks to different pages on a given website. Clicking the links takes you to the respective pages on the website.

Sitelink - is a link

In other words, it displays links to additional pages within the website. Using which audience can easily switch to these pages for better information. 

It is mainly used for better navigation within a website.

Knowledge Panels

Whenever we search for a specific person, place, or thing the information is displayed in the boxed form.

This provides a quick summary of the information related to the searched content.

It is displayed under the heading About

Knowledge Panel

Knowledge Panels are of two types

  • Local panels 

  • Personal Panels

Both of these require approval from Google.

The benefits of the Knowledge Panel are 

  • Increased visibility

  • Higher brand authority

  • More engagement 

Featured Snippets

These are special boxes with short text information, that answer the query made on Google Search. Instead of displaying the entire web page.

It helps to display the exact information from the given web page which is very much relevant to the search query made.

Featured Snippet is a short summary

Clicking on the link takes one to the web page for detailed information.

The main purpose of Feature Snippets are

  • Quick answer to the search query

  • Saves time by displaying the exact match from the content

Types of Feature Snippets – Four main types

Definition Box – Provides summary of definition or description to the search query

Mostly used to answer “What is” query on Google search

The Table – Displays the information in the table format after pulling the data information from the page

The Ordered List – Displays the information in the list format. In other words in the form of Bullets and points. Follow the order by displaying more relevant information on top.

The Unordered List – Displays the information but does not follow any set of order formats. Do not follow the relevance of information.


Google Maps makes a company or place more visible in local search results. They help the brand to stand out from the competition.

A Map is displayed in the middle or near the top of the Search Engine Results page.

Map of location

On the left, it displays information in the list format for the business or places and on the right, it shows the map with the location marked for easy navigation


Images are displayed with the link. These links route back to their source website. These images reflect the content on the given page.



They are displayed with the link. These links route back to their source website. These videos reflect the content on the given page and act as a booster for the content.


People Also Ask – 

It is the question displayed on SERP which is directly related to the main search query. 

These are additional information which may be beneficial to the audience who made the Search query on Google.

These also help to drive traffic on the website if the questions are displayed in the section.

People Also Ask

It is displayed mostly on the first and second page of the Search results page. It appears initially within the first 4 results and also at the bottom of the search result page.

To be listed in the People Also Ask section, one should focus on choosing a target keyword as per the topic. Also content should be in Question and Answer format.

Related Searches- 

This section is found at the bottom of the first Search results page which links to related information to the query of the search.

Related Searches

On the left, it displays information in the list format for the business or places and on the right, it shows the map with the location marked for easy navigation

There are in total 8 related search terms which are displayed in this section. Clicking on any of the search terms opens a new search results page based on the search term clicked.
Top Stories


SEO is very important from the aspect of ranking a given webpage. For the web page to be displayed on the first page of SERP it is important to optimize it. It increases the visibility and improves the website leading to a good experience for the visitors.

Importance of SEO
SEO is important

The primary importance of SEO is to rank the website higher, increase visibility and attract large audiences. These audiences keep coming back due to good experiences.

The whole and sole purpose of SEO of a website is to increase ranking. For this different methods are used.

SEO Results

By doing SEO, the following are the results achieved.

  • Improve the website

  • Increase its visibility

  • Improving its ranking so that it is listed on the search engine result page

  • increases the large audiences that is traffic

Improves the Website

SEO helps in improving the Website so that it is easily crawled by the crawler. Also, it has an impact on the experience of the user. It helps to rank the websites so that they rank higher and are displayed on the first page.

Improving means increasing the Quality of content so that it caters to the information related to the topics being discussed. The content should be original and in correct format.

Content should be in the correct format with correct Headings and subheadings. Usually Headings from H1 to H6 are used. H1 to be used once per page. Other sub headings H2 to H6 may repeat.

Display of information in bullet points also helps to improve the readability thus improving the content overall.

Improving a website leads to a good user experience and visitors keep coming back because of this experience. This also helps in high ranking of the web page.

Another method to improve the website is addition of Images, videos, graphs, tables and statistics. These provide a good experience overall.

Increase Visibility 

Whenever the query is made, the search result for the same query is displayed. The audience sticks to the first page and rarely proceeds to the next page.

It is important to follow all the SEO techniques to optimize the web page. We need to follow the guidelines given by the Search Engine for the optimization. This results in high ranking of the web page by the search engine crawler and is displayed on top of the first results page.

Being displayed on the first page of the search engine results page increases the visibility and traffic altogether.

Increase Traffic 

75% of the clicks are either on the first or second results displayed on the page.

We get more clicks when the content ranks higher, which leads to an increase in Traffic.

High ranking and Quality content tends to get more traffic. Audience keeps coming back if the experience is as expected.

Also high ranking content is displayed on the results page and gets more clicks.

CTR is Click Through Rate for the website..

Why is SEO Important?

SEO is important as it boosts marketing channels. Organic search results in 53% of all website traffic.

It is forecasted to increase further by 2028 it is forecasted to reach $122.11 billion.

Organic search is the method followed by people to search and access online content. SEO best practices have become important to ensure that it is easily found and more traffic is generated on the Website. 

  • It helps to drive business results which eventually is useful for brands, businesses and organizations of all sizes.

  • With more and more searches being made to get information about various products and services. 

  • Also for research and comparisons of products and services.

  • It becomes important for brands and businesses to be search engine friendly to boost visibility and sales and generate leads.

  • All this is possible by improving visibility, and high rank in search.

Search alone is the primary source of traffic for websites,

SEO is incredibly important because the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) pages are super competitive and contain a variety of information which is important to target large audiences.


SEO is very important from the aspect of ranking a given webpage. For the web page to be displayed on the first page of SERP it is important to optimize it. It increases the visibility and improves the website leading to a good experience for the visitors

Search Engine Optimization
SEO – Search Engine Optimisation

SEO is a process that is very important for ranking any website. It ranks websites higher so that the website displays on the Search Engine Results Page.

What is SEO?

SEO – stands for Search Engine Optimization

It is a combination of two words:-

  • Search Engine – carry out web searches

It scans websites worldwide to provide results that best match the search

  • Optimisation – best use of thing or effective usage

It is a process of making a web page/post better for search engines, so it ranks higher.

SEO  is the process which optimizes the website, its content, images, pages and posts created. As a result, it becomes easy to find when the search queries are made by the audience.

In other words, it is the process of improving the website so its visibility is increased in the search engine results when the search queries are made

What is SEO

The better the visibility, the higher the rank and the more likely it is to be displayed in the SERP. It will get more clicks and audiences.

Before we proceed with the exact definition of SEO it is important to know about SERP.

What is SERP?

It stands for Search Engine Results Page. 

Whenever we open Google.com, an option is available with a blank box where Keywords can be entered. Next on clicking the Search button different results are displayed.

The results which are visible on the page are called SERP.

Different websites are visible along with their content matching the searched keyword.

This is only possible because of SEO. Only those pages and websites will be listed which are ranking high for the Keywords searched.

SERP - Search Engine Results Page

Do we optimize search engines in SEO?

The answer is NO, Search Engine is software. We do not optimize search engines, we optimize our website which includes pages and posts to rank higher

What is a Search Engine?

A software system that searches the information from the World Wide Web (WWW) that we know as the Internet. The search is made using the user’s query typed in the search box.  

The working of a Search Engine is important. Since it displays correct results as per the keyword searched.

The Search Engine indexes the following on the websites –

  • The Pages

  • The Posts

  • Images

  • Videos

  • Other Contents

Indexing helps to provide the best possible results to the queries made.

Different Search Engines

There are many search engines available. The most well-known and used Search Engine is Google

Search Engines

Microsoft Bing: It provides web search, image search, video search, and more similar to Google.

Yahoo: It is also another popular search engine that offers various features and services.

DuckDuckGo: This search engine is used to maintain privacy. This search engine doesn’t track user data.

Baidu: This search engine is used in China. It offers similar services like web search, image search, and other services.

Yandex: This search engine is used in Russia. It offers web search, maps, and other services.

Ask.com: Known for its question-and-answer format, Users use this platform to ask questions in any language.

Every Search engine has its own set of algorithms that it makes use of. Algorithms are updated and formulated from time to time as per the requirement.

Algorithms determine the relevance of the websites and thus produce search results based on Query.

Search Engines are very important and have become part of our life. Almost everyone makes use of the search engine to search for anything as per the requirement.

Why is Google popular?

Among the different Search Engines available. Google is one of the most popular and is being used by almost everyone.

Google provides exact related search results. The main reason for its dominance is the use of algorithms which is quite different from other search engines.

Algorithms are Complex system designs, used to deliver correct information based websites ranked by relevance on SERP

Top 5 algorithms

PandaStarted in February 2011. It focused more on Quality Content and No Plagiarism. Keyword stuffing was also checked.

Penguin 2012 – It focused more on backlinks/ link spamming. It resulted in a High authority domain.

Hummingbird 2013 – It focused on keyword stuffing and checking keyword density and ranked sites accordingly

Rankbrain 2015 is a machine algorithm that is used to sort the search results using

  • Relevant content

  • Keywords should be correctly used.

Page Experience Update 2021

Page experience with good quality content, user interface, time spent on the website and loading time of the pages.

Page Rank Algorithm

It is the most important and oldest one used by Google in 1998 by Larry Page, founder of Google.

It is thought to have stopped in 2006, but there is no concrete evidence for the same.

  • Calculates authority of the website-based page rank source

  • More backlinks more authority 

How do Search Engines work?

To understand how SEO works and what practices should be followed in building a website that ranks higher and generates more traffic.

It is very important to understand the workings of Search Engine.

It is important to note that Google or other search engines have already worked before we have typed our search.

Search Engine lists the results when the keyword is searched But this is not an easy task as it seems.

Working of Search Engine

There are different technical processes which have undergone in the background.

It is important to understand these so that we can create a website taking this aspect. The website then created is likely to be ranked high by the Search Engine.

Below are the stages of Search or activities which are being performed by the Search Engines.


Search engines use Crawlers. These crawlers also known as spiders or bots crawl over the entire content of the website, including the links and Sitemaps. By crawling they gather information about the website and web pages.

Post-crawling and checking the complete details, it is saved in the local server.

So creating a sitemap is very important when we need the Crawler to crawl our entire website


Search engines generate how the page will look using the HTML, Javascript and CSS information.


Search engines analyze the data content and metadata adding them to the database to index them.

It refers to sorting out and categorising the data which is then saved onto the main server.


Using different algorithms which are published from time to time. These algorithms catch hold of different parameters, gaze at the relevancy of the page and make the decision to show when researchers enter a query.

Step-by-Step SEO – Beginners

Keyword Research – This is the initial and important phase. Here we research and identify the most searched keywords based around which content can be created.

There are different tools available for top keyword research –

  • Ahref’s Keyword Explorer

  • Ubersuggest

  • Semrush

  • Google Keyword Planner

  • Google Trends

Google keywords-  It’s time to search the keywords identified on Google itself. This gives us the clarity of the usage of the keyword from the search results page. It helps to narrow down the long list of keywords.

Reviewing the top-ranking web pages gives an idea of the keyword usage. Also a glimpse of the type of content to be created which Google will rank.

Create good content –  The time is not to create good content around the keywords identified. For this, we need to develop a structure for the usage of keywords so that one keyword can be targeted for one page of content.

Create Backlinks – This is creating backlinks for our site. When this bank link is created from high authority sites, for search engine crawlers the site appears to be of high-quality content and thus ranks it higher.

Technical SEO- This refers to improving the technical aspects of the site. Technical optimization will help the crawler to index the site more effectively and increase ranking.

Enhance page content and user experience – This is an important SEO step which pulls the audience. Page quality should be improved by using quality content along with images and videos. Good Content attracts more audience and increases users’ experience. The audience keeps coming back and helping in driving traffic to the site.

Re-optimize Content – SEO is not a one-time process. It is a continuous process and we need to keep checking all the pages and consider the SEO strategy. We can make use of plugins and follow the tips and tricks along with recommendations. These changes will have an impact on the rankings.

Methods of SEO Optimization – Post/Page

1. Short and Crisp answer in Content – Main pointers to be used at the beginning of the answer. It should be easy to understand. Content should be relevant to the topics.

2. Use keywords throughout the article – Also it should not appear that keywords have been stuffed only. Avoid keyword stuffing.

3. Use of pointers and bullets –  The content should be organized in a readable format. The use of points and bullets to share the information makes it easier to read and understand. This also increases good experience for the user.

We can also share information in the form of lists and tables to enhance the quality of content and experience.

4. Use Google Analytics/Monsterinsights – Optimization of Content using Google Analytics/Monsterinsights is very important. This helps us to know our visitors and also track user engagement. 

5. Optimize the page’s Meta Description – Adding a short description about the page/posts gives an overall understanding to the visitor. It helps the visitor to know what would be the content and if it is of interest to him.

6. SEO best practices

  • Keywords in SEO Title and Description.

  • Keywords in Content and subheadings.

  • Categories and tags to be optimized.

  • Enough content to cover the topic.

  • Internal linking to other posts and pages.

  • Add title and Alt tags to your images.

  • Add FAQs section on each page.


SEO is very important when it comes to ranking a webpage. To be visible on the first page of the Search Engine Results page it is important to optimize the webpage.

SEO leads to an increase in traffic to the webpage and thus increases the visibility of the web page.

SEO is not a one-time process but an ongoing process which should be continuously done.

Hiring in BPO
Hiring Cycle

Hiring in BPO is an ongoing activity. This doesn’t stop, goes on based on the requirement.

 With many BPO options available people go job hunting finding the most suitable BPO with higher salary and perks.

  • Many change BPO Companies for better opportunities in terms of money, growth and career.

  • BPOs also fire staff from time to time based on their performance and expected volume.

  • Ramp-down of the process.

There are times when Attrition happens within BPO resulting in a decrease of manpower. Also due to the process Ramp-up extra manpower is required.

All these trigger the need to hire new resources with the best talent.

Hiring Steps in BPO

The very first step in Hiring is the identification of the Hiring need followed by the recruitment plan build-up.

The Hiring Cycle can be divided into two parts.

  • Pre Recruit Steps

  • Post Recruit Steps

Pre Recruit Steps

Steps that are followed before the recruitment or hiring of the candidate is done.

Identifying the hiring need

This is the first step, which is triggered by a need to fill the vacant position, and better manage the workload.

Recruitment Plan

Forming a recruitment plan is important which aims for the recruitment drive internal, external or both. This depends mainly on the position.

Also according to the company policy if they decide to pick the position from within the organization (Internal) or hire talented resources from outside the organization (External)

A job description

 It is being generated to notify the skills, qualifications and experience required for the job role.

It also includes Salary and perks benefits.


Notifying the internal employees through email circulation, or posting on Job portals for external hiring outside the organisation.

Review Applications

Applications received via emails or through job portals are reviewed to identify the suitable candidate for the desired position role.

Interview process

This starts with initial screening through a phone call by the HR team. Followed by an Interview by the Hiring committee.

This is mainly the operations round being taken by the Assistant Manager and then by the Manager.

Post-Recruit Steps

Includes the steps once the Interviews are over for the Candidate. Now is the time to finalise and pick suitable candidates.

Applicant Assessment

Once the interview rounds are over. Comparison is done among the candidates to decide on the best one fitting the job profile.

Background Check 

This includes various check like 

  • Criminal record check

  • Address check

  • Previous employment check

  • Credit Score Check

  • Social media accounts check

  • Education check

Reference Check

This check is made based on the information shared by the candidate. This checks the previous employment, job performance, workplace conduct, and responsibilities.

Job Offer

Once all the checks are performed and cleared Job offer is handed over post negotiations in terms of salary, Bonsuus and location, and Joining date


Post negotiations, if the candidate accepts the offer letter he is considered as hired.\


Once hired the new employee has to undergo An onboarding process which is often called Induction.

The new employee is taken through the policies and the leadership team hierarchy. Also through the history of the company.

It clears the doubts and clarifies the expectations from day one of the job.

The post-hiring confirmation in BPO includes the following steps which are discussed below

Recruitment post steps


  • Interview – Clearing the Interview round with the HR and Management Team

  • Offer Letter– After Selection Offer letter is handed over with the Joining date and Salary being offered with the Salary Break

  • Documentation– Submission of Photocopies of the below documents includes showing Original documents for verification

  • Education Documents

  • Experience Documents

  • Address & ID Proof

  • PAN Card details

  • Declaration Signing for Authentication of details shared

  • Induction– Session conducted by HR includes information about Company policies, expectations, Do’s & Don’ts

  • Account Opening– The account is opened and updated in the HR database for Salary transfer

Training Handover – Meeting with Trainer and handover for continuation of Process & Communication Training.


Once the recruitment is done, the next step is training the associates both in process and product knowledge. This helps them to effectively resolve queries of the customer and provide better assistance.


On-Job Training After the training this is a learning phase where the mentors are aligned and teach them how to handle the work based on scenarios including navigation and providing resolution to Customer’s Queries/Requests/Complaints. Associates are taught and assistance is given to make them perfect in handling customer’s queries requests/complaints thus making them ready for the next step.


Certification is important to get clearance from the Training/Quality team. This is done to check understanding, Knowledge and how efficiently they can work and handle the situation while maintaining the expected Quality of service as per the parameters laid done for final selection.


After being certified, associates are kept under observation which we also call as Probation period which is for 3 months. Post 3 months if their performance rating and Quality are found satisfactory are handed an Appointment Letter and enrolled as permanent employees.

Hierarchy in BPO

It refers to the level of authority. With each level comes specific roles and responsibilities. The higher the level, the greater the responsibilities and more decision-making power within the organisation.

The escalations of the customer or the employee follow a bottom-to-top approach.

Every organisation has a level of Hierarchy that is displayed on the floor and mentioned in the company’s policy documents.

The hierarchy level has been defined for all functions in the company. Be it Operations, HR, Quality, or Finance.

Let’s go through the Operations Hierarchy level.

Hierarchy Organisation

Customer Support Associate/Executive

Associate hired to provide support and assist the customer. They help by resolving his query and taking his request and complaint, finally resolving it after follow-up with the customer.


Tenured and Experienced associate/advisor that helps the new joiner/trainee. Provide guidance, support and assistance so they become familiar with the system, and scenario and are certified at the end.


Subject Matter Expert is groomed for the next level. They are experts in the domain they are working in and being groomed for the next level i.e. Team Leader/Assistant Team Leader, Quality Analyst or Trainer

Team Leader 

One who looks after the team assigned provides both motivational and emotional support. Share feedback and ensure the targets are being met as described. The first point of contact for the associates working under,

The Assistant Manager

handles the associate as well as the Team Leader assigned under him. Ensures staffing as per requirement and maintains shift statistics. Also responsible for acting in the absence of a manager and making important decisions. Look after the training needs of the associates and see that Salary and incentives are given out on time. They interact with the Client and help in the Hiring process as well.


One who manages and is in charge of the floor. Guide the people under him. Takes important decisions which directly affect the people working under him. Sets goals and objectives and sees that these are being accomplished and targets fulfilled and met.



One who has purchased goods, products or services? Also known as consumer ie Buyer or End User


One who sells products, goods or services to another person. Also Known as Service Provider.

Customer Service

Services provided to the customer with regards to the product, and goods purchased by him. This service includes resolving his query, complaint, installation, Demo etc.

It could be through any of the below mediums:-

  • Voice: – Customer calls the toll-free or paid number provided by the brand to get in touch with the customer support team for further assistance.

  • Email Support: – Customer raises their query over email and in return gets assistance through email within TAT which depends from one Organisation to another.

  • Chat Support: – Customers can also use the Chat option to get assistance on real real-time basis by getting in touch with the customer support team available over the chat option.

  • Appointment Schedule :- here Customer physically visits the point of contact to meet the representative once their appointment is fixed over the call as per the convenience of the customer.

Support Functions

Quality Analyst

Responsible for maintaining the quality of work performed by associates as per the agreed standard. Take steps to improve quality. Audit calls and share feedback with the associates. They check if basic hygiene is maintained on calls and the tasks allotted to the associates. Dip check from time to time to check process, product knowledge and awareness about the latest updates.


Are set of team responsible for ensuring calls are routed as per the skills of the associates. They work closely with the Operations team (Team Leader/Manager) to ensure that proper manpower is available to answer the calls and meet the target Service Level (SL).


Training the new joiners. Provide both product and process training. Impart updates and provide refresher training as well.


Hiring in BPO is one of the most important functions which helps to recruit talented resources. It fills the vacant position created.

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BPO Services and Customer Service

BPO services are not limited to one sector. BPO Services has grown tremendously and occupied more sectors. Different services are being provided and not just restricted to customer support.

Some BPOs Operate 24/7 providing constant and real-time support. Some have fixed timings of operations which vary from industry to industry.

Telecom and the IT industry have round-the-clock BPO support services.

Whereas the Banking industry has fixed timings of support services.

Types of BPO Services

There are different types of BPO Services provided to the customer.

  • Outbound BPO Services

  • Inbound BPO Services

  • Web BPO Services

Outbound Services

  • Customer Survey

  • Telemarketing

  • Third-party verification

  • Information verification

Inbound services

  • Customer support

  • Complaint forwarding 

  • Technical help desk

  • Inquiry handling

Web Services

  • Order taking 

  • Email support

  • Chat support

  • Billing queries

  • Product promotion

Key BPO Services

Different BPO Services

  • E-commerce Support

  • Software development

  • Finance and Accounting

  • Data Entry and Data management

  • Digital Marketing

  • Health and Insurance

  • Sales and Customer Operations

  • HR and Talent

What is BPO Customer Service

The main responsibility of the BPO Services is to provide good Customer Experience. Good Customer Experience is achieved from Good Customer Service.

This is possible only with high-class service and resolution provided to the customers.

Customer Service

The BPO industry focuses and increases the Customer Satisfaction level to promote the company’s products and services.

The BPOs constantly try to deliver world-class customer service by incorporating different customer-friendly techniques. Thus delivering a good Customer Experience.

Customer Service in BPO is all about providing good support and handling customer queries.

These queries may come via 

  • Email 

  • Phone call 

  • Chat 

  • Social Media Platforms

Handling customer queries in real-time using the tools available is the core job of the Customer Care Executive.

Good Customer Service enhances good customer experience which in turn leads to an increase in revenue for the Companies.

This Good Customer Service is created by 

  • Positive Interactions

  • Timely Resolution

  • Alternate Options

  • Correct Information

  • Complete Information

  • Extra mile initiative

Importance of Customer Service

Customer Retention

Based on the positive interactions, customers remain connected with the company. This helps in the growth of the company leading to increased sales of products and services.

Gain more customers

If customers are happy with the good customer service in BPO, they tend to pull in other customers as well.

Positive impact on customer service leads to customer Retention. At the same time, it draws more and more customers. This gives an edge over the competitor company.

Real-time resolution

All customers expect resolution instantly. They need resolution within a single contact without having to contact repeatedly.

This is the First Contact Resolution (FCR).

Gain Customer Loyalty.

Customers remain connected with the company and keep coming back again and again. This is critical for a business to grow and succeed. Thus increasing Sales and revenue.

Positive Word of Mouth

Loyal customers help to get a larger customer base by spreading good word of mouth to their relatives and friends.

Steps to improve Customer Service

  • First Call Resolution

  • Proper Training

  • Reduce Wait Time

  • Customer Survey

  • New Hire Orientation

Improve Customer Service

First Call Resolution (FCR)

Every BPO focuses on the most important metric – FCR. FCR stands for First Call Resolution. Issue of the customer to be resolved on their first connect.

Without the customer to follow up repeatedly to get the resolution.

Proper Training

Customer Care Executives who are also known as specialists or representatives should be well-trained.

Trained both in product and process, along with soft skills training.

This increases good communication skills and strong product knowledge which would result in FCR and a good customer experience

Reduce waiting time.

During high call flow, the call is likely to be in the queue before it gets connected with the representatives.

Customers hate to be in a queue.

Proper tools should be provided along with precise monitoring to ensure less waiting time. decreases.

Customer Survey

After, the end of each interaction, the survey is sent out to the customer. These surveys are nothing but feedback and opinions which would further enhance customer service.

New Hire Orientation

Training should be planned in such a way that it includes training by trainers and experienced representatives. This gives a clear and exact picture of the call scenario and how to handle those scenarios.

Live call barging, along with buddy-up sessions should be arranged for New hires.


KPO stands for Knowledge Process Outsourcing

Knowledge Processing refers to creating and distributing the information gathered.

KPO refers to the outsourcing of information-related activities. These include identification and collection of data information. Post which they are mined and researched to gather insights which are actioned.

It focuses on the organisation’s knowledge-based services like education, health and insurance. 

It requires advanced analysis and technical skills along with high degree of expertise.

Knowledge Process Outsourcing

Functions of KPO

The functions of KPO help to improve the way, the business runs.

  • Meet customer demands

  • Provide operations efficiency

  • create customized solutions


  • TCS

  • WNS

  • Concentrix

  • Wipro

  • Genpact

  • Deloitte

Advantages of KPO

KPO services include experts who offer their experiences for both the growth of business and their customers.

It is Cost effective

 No separate infrastructure is required. The organisation does not have to bear the operations costs 

Focus on core Functions

Allow organizations to focus on their core functions by outsourcing these non-primary functions

Resource utilization

Organisations do not have the burden of resources and training as they are done by the third-party vendor 

Sourcing Talent

Organizations have the option to outsource to the best KPO company that hires new talent. Thus these organisations collaborate with more skilled and knowledgeable professionals around the world.



Business Process Outsourcing

Provide services like customer care, technical support, telemarketing, sales etc.

Good communication skills along with knowledge of computers

Provides low-end services

Not-so-qualified employees

Process Expertise

Volume Driven


Knowledge Process Outsourcing

In-depth knowledge, expertise and analysis, Legal service and Market Research 

Specialized Knowledge

Provides high-end services

Highly qualified, expertise in knowledge

Knowledge Expertise

Insights Driven


BPO services is important to achieve good customer service. Good Customer Service leads to Good Customer Experience. It also creates good customer satisfaction.

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Business Process Outsourcing- BPO
What is a BPO?

We all know that the BPO sector is one of the booming industries. BPO is growing day-on-day and catering to the services of almost the entire Nation. 

Customer Service is one important characteristic, which is mostly required in the Public and Private Sectors.

Mostly, Call Center and BPO are thought to be the same. But this is not correct. A Call Center can be a BPO, but BPO cannot be called a Call Center. This is due to the wide range of services provided by the BPO. 

  • What is BPO? 

  • What is the work done in the BPO? 

  • What are the types of BPO?

Are few of the questions which one is curious to know? All these will be covered.

BPO Stands for

BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing. It refers to the contracting of business/task of one Company or Organisation to another third-party service provider.

What is BPO

Work/Task is outsourced to a third party called BPO. It is to reduce costs for the company including saving time and space.

The Brand Company can now focus its time and energy on improving the quality of its products. At the same time on services to maintain its position in the market.

Why is BPO important?

The importance of BPO has led to its growth from a small venture to one of the Leading organisations. It contributes to the Country’s economy in growth, revenue and employment opportunities.

  • It boosts the company’s services – sales, support or service. 

  • It enables companies to focus more on the quality and performance of their products. 

  • It allows the company to focus more on the core and essential services. 

  • At the same time outsourcing, the non-essential services. 

These non-essential services include

  • Email

  • Support

  • Record keeping

  • Accounting

The objective of the company in outsourcing services is mainly to 

  • Save Money

  • Save Time

  • Save Energy

  • Grow Business

  • Speed up the process

The BPO industry is to grow more in the coming 10 years. It has a bright future ahead.

History of BPO

BPO outsourcing made its first impact in the late 1980s. Eastman Kodak started with outsourcing of IT systems services which was the first move for the Industry.

It was the success of Kodak’s which resulted in other organisations making a similar move and leveraging the BPO service providers.

BPO History

BPO in India 

BPO in India started growing in the late 1980s and since then it has been growing. It is expected to grow rapidly in the coming 10 years.

Raman Roy has been credited as the founder of BPO in India. he is referred to as the Father of the Indian BPO Industry.

India has become one of the best-sought options for offshore ITES and BPO industry.

This is possible due to the availability of:-

  • The extremely talented pool of workforce.

  • Low costs for the service.

  • Quality service delivery.

These three reasons have led to accelerated growth of the BPO Industry in India.

It has led to an increase in employment opportunities in India. It has employed nearly 4 million people in India, the number continues to grow. It will continue to grow in the coming years ahead.

Top BPO In India

  • Genpact

  • TCS

  • Accenture

  • Infosys IBM

  • Wipro

  • WNS

  • Concentrix

  • EXL services

  • TCS

  • Teleperformance


It is of two major types which many of us are aware of:-


It refers to catering services to local markets within a state or Country


It refers to catering services to the international market, in other countries

Besides this, there are further classifications based on the Location and Function.

Types – Based on Location

  • Offshore – Task contracted outside the company’s own country.

  • Nearshore – Task contracted to the company’s neighbouring country.

  • Onshore – Task contracted within the company’s own country.

Types – Based on Service

Back Office

There is no direct interaction with the customer. Although they work to provide customer support. often known as the Backend Team. It is mainly for internal business.

Back Office Service

The below functions form a part of the Back Office Job.

Data Entry – The process of information input or updating records in the computer. It is useful to save and maintain the database.

Data Management – The process of collecting data, organising it and accessing it later to support productivity, data analysis and decision-making.

Surveys – It is the method of collecting information in the form of questions. It helps to get customer thoughts on particular products, their services and the scope of improvement.

Payment Processing – It refers to all the steps required for proper payment transfer using the payment gateway. The setting of automatic payment clearing.

Account support – It aims at managing customer accounts. It could be either an account in banks or an account in companies or organisations.

Front Office

There is direct interaction with the customer. They resolve queries on call while taking requests and complaints and forwarding them to the Back Office team for complete resolution.

Front Office Service

The below functions form part of the Front Office job.

Appointment scheduling – It helps to schedule appointments, meetings and bookies for the companies.

Inbound – It refers to attending customer calls. The call is made by the customer either on the toll-free or chargeable number.

Outbound – It refers to a call made to the customer. It can be either follow-up calls on issue resolution. Even service-related reminder calls

Email – It refers to attending to customer queries and complaints using the email channel

Chat – It is the direct real-time discussion with the customer to resolve their concerns and queries.

Why is there a need for Outsourcing? 

There are different Companies in the market selling their products, goods and services to the customer. Their main focus is to maintain the quality of the products, goods and services and increase their customer database. 

To do this they outsource i.e. seek the help of different companies who are experts with all available infrastructure. We call them BPO and assist them in non-essential services.

Outsourcing Types

BPO has all the facilities for providing services to the customers:-

  • Receiving calls from these customers. 

  • Making calls to contact customers.

  • Maintain a database like call recordings, customer details, and feedback. 

BPO helps to identify the concern areas highlighted by the customer. Mainly during interaction in the form of feedback i.e. Query/Complaints/Request. 

These are filtered so that the Brand company can work on these feedback and Loopholes to increase their product/ Service quality and hold on to customers without losing them. 

The Brand Company does not directly engage with the customer initially but does engage according to the severity of the complaints and feedback.

Request/Query/ and small complaints are resolved by the associates in BPO.

This saves the Brand from these hassles and thus they focus and maintain the Quality of Products and in the end Customer Satisfaction.

Outsourcing Options

  • Offshore Outsourcing 

  • Nearshore Outsourcing

  • Onshore Outsourcing 


BPO has a lot of scope for growth. It is already growing at a fast pace. It will generate more employemnt in the IT field.

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