Types of SEO
Types of SEO

Based on the techniques which are being followed for the optimisation of Webpage. The following are the main SEO types that can be identified.

  • On-Page SEO

  • Off-Page SEO

  • Technical SEO

These form the main techniques which are being followed to optimize the webpage and website. It helps the webpage to rank higher during search results. Search engine crawlers easily crawl the webpage, index it and list it on the first page of the SERP.

Besides these, there are other types of SEO. It is important to know about them as well. They are equally important in ranking the webpage.

  • White hat

  • Black hat

  • Grey hat

  • Negative SEO

  • Mobile SEO

  • E-commerce SEO

  • Internation SEO

  • Local SEO

  • Content SEO

  • Youtube SEO

On-page SEO – Definition

Also called On-site SEO. It refers to Content Optimization on the Website. With 100% Control over the content, On-Page SEO can be done easily without any hindrance or any approval being required.

Why On-Page SEO is important?

Whenever a search is made on any of the Search engines, then the most relevant search results are displayed on the SERP.

The results displayed are basis the ranking done by the Search Engines. Search Engines crawl over the page and do indexing.

They follow algorithms which change from time to time. Different Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.) follow their algorithms. But all algorithms focus on the user experience and the best content to elevate the experience.

So the question is what does the Search Engine look for on the webpage to consider it to be displayed on the SERP.

Search Engines look up the different elements on the web page. Thus it is important to work on these elements on the web page and adopt methods which would make the webpage more relevant when Search Engines crawl it.

In other words, Search engines focus on the On-Page SEO signals and thus rank them so that they can be displayed on the first page of the SERP.

Off-page SEO – Definitions

Also called Off-site SEO. We do not have 100% control on this but still, it plays a key role in the success of SEO.

As the name suggests and defines, the optimization method used is done outside the web page. Which means any action taken to improve and optimize SEO outside our site/webpage.

This is equally important for ranking the webpage and also for increasing user experience. 

Below is the method which one can use for successful Off-Page SEO and help in ranking the webpage.

Method of Off-page SEO

  • External backlinks,

  • Content Marketing

  • Local SEO

  • Social media marketing

  • Online promotion through guest blogs and podcasts

  • Brand mentions

  • Reviews

  • Public relations

The impact of Off-page SEO on the ranking of a web page in search engines is much more than the On-page SEO

Off-page SEO is a time-consuming process and is a long-term activity. It cannot be done easily as in Off-page SEO

  • It is difficult to acquire backlinks to our web page from the authority sites

  • It takes time to establish a brand on the Social media platforms

Difference between On-page and Off-page SEO

On-page SEO

Actions Internally

Within the Webpages

It has an impact on ranking

It consumes less time

Off-page SEO

Actions Externally

Outside the website

It has more impact 

It is a time-consuming process

Technical SEO – Technical aspects of website optimization

As the name suggests it includes all the technical aspects which can be carried out to help the crawler, better crawl the page and the page be responsive to the mobile version.

Technical aspects to be rectified and should be done with precision

Below are the technical aspects which can be taken care of to optimise the SEO

Elements for Technical SEO

  • Mobile Friendliness

  • Page load/speed optimization

  • Structure of Website

  • Navigation

  • Sitemap

  • robots.txt

  • Image compression

  • Canonicalization

  • Site Crawling


White Hat SEO is the technique used to improve the ranking of a web page or website, following the guidelines of the search engine. It complies with the terms of service given by the search engine.

It is considered to be an Ethical procedure which is natural.

How to do White HAT SEO?

  • Content Optimize – Keyword research/Keyword input

  • Quality Content

  • Relevant links Internal links

  • Backlinks to another to be relevant

  • Focus on On-page SEO

  • Sitemaps

  • Technical aspects

  • Creating Readable content


Black hat SEO is the technique which increases the ranking of a web page or website using unethical means.

These practices are against the guidelines given by the search engine. This is not approved by search engines.

The use of the black hat strategy gives one an edge over its competitor. This gives results faster without much effort being put in. This advantage is temporary and not permanent.

It is a clear manipulation of the guidelines of the search engine. If the website is found to be using black hat SEO following actions are imposed:-

  • Penalties

  • Being removed from search engine

  • Websites blacklisted

  • Metrics drop

How is Black HAT SEO done?

  • Keyword stuffing – over usage

  • Duplicate content – Plagiarism

  • Article Spinning

  • No paraphrasing

  • Cloaking

  • Hidden Text/Links but visible to Crawler

  • Link Spamming

  • Link Farming


Grey hat SEO is a combination of both White hat SEO and Black hat seo.

A good example would be creating unique and quality content which is White hat. At the same time buying backlinks is a part of Black hat.

Do we use Black Hat SEO in real life?

Yes, we do – the percentage is much less than it comes to using it. About 95% is a White hat and 5% is Black hat SEO. This form of SEO is Grey hat SEO.

But over time it will be considered by search engines to black hat technique and be blacklisted.

What is the difference between White Hat and Black Hat SEO?

White Hat SEO

Ethical process

Long term results

Ranking improves

In line with terms of service

Black Hat SEO

Unethical process

Short term results

Black listed

Against the terms of service


There are different types of SEO. But basis the technique used it is of three types On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO and Technical SEO. Apart from these, there are other SEO types as well.

These techniques help to optimize the web page which increases the user experience and ranks the web page.


SERP Elements (Search Engines Result Page)

Besides just displaying the title and the website name. There are other elements which can be displayed on the Search Engine Results Page which makes the browsing important.

These elements displayed on SERP are

  • Sitelinks

  • Knowledge panels

  • Featured Snippets

  • Maps

  • Images

  • Videos

  • Top stories

  • People Also Ask

  • Related Searches

  • FAQs

  • Google Business Profiles


Sitelinks are hyperlinks to different pages on a given website. Clicking the links takes you to the respective pages on the website.

Sitelink - is a link

In other words, it displays links to additional pages within the website. Using which audience can easily switch to these pages for better information. 

It is mainly used for better navigation within a website.

Knowledge Panels

Whenever we search for a specific person, place, or thing the information is displayed in the boxed form.

This provides a quick summary of the information related to the searched content.

It is displayed under the heading About

Knowledge Panel

Knowledge Panels are of two types

  • Local panels 

  • Personal Panels

Both of these require approval from Google.

The benefits of the Knowledge Panel are 

  • Increased visibility

  • Higher brand authority

  • More engagement 

Featured Snippets

These are special boxes with short text information, that answer the query made on Google Search. Instead of displaying the entire web page.

It helps to display the exact information from the given web page which is very much relevant to the search query made.

Featured Snippet is a short summary

Clicking on the link takes one to the web page for detailed information.

The main purpose of Feature Snippets are

  • Quick answer to the search query

  • Saves time by displaying the exact match from the content

Types of Feature Snippets – Four main types

Definition Box – Provides summary of definition or description to the search query

Mostly used to answer “What is” query on Google search

The Table – Displays the information in the table format after pulling the data information from the page

The Ordered List – Displays the information in the list format. In other words in the form of Bullets and points. Follow the order by displaying more relevant information on top.

The Unordered List – Displays the information but does not follow any set of order formats. Do not follow the relevance of information.


Google Maps makes a company or place more visible in local search results. They help the brand to stand out from the competition.

A Map is displayed in the middle or near the top of the Search Engine Results page.

Map of location

On the left, it displays information in the list format for the business or places and on the right, it shows the map with the location marked for easy navigation


Images are displayed with the link. These links route back to their source website. These images reflect the content on the given page.



They are displayed with the link. These links route back to their source website. These videos reflect the content on the given page and act as a booster for the content.


People Also Ask – 

It is the question displayed on SERP which is directly related to the main search query. 

These are additional information which may be beneficial to the audience who made the Search query on Google.

These also help to drive traffic on the website if the questions are displayed in the section.

People Also Ask

It is displayed mostly on the first and second page of the Search results page. It appears initially within the first 4 results and also at the bottom of the search result page.

To be listed in the People Also Ask section, one should focus on choosing a target keyword as per the topic. Also content should be in Question and Answer format.

Related Searches- 

This section is found at the bottom of the first Search results page which links to related information to the query of the search.

Related Searches

On the left, it displays information in the list format for the business or places and on the right, it shows the map with the location marked for easy navigation

There are in total 8 related search terms which are displayed in this section. Clicking on any of the search terms opens a new search results page based on the search term clicked.
Top Stories


SEO is very important from the aspect of ranking a given webpage. For the web page to be displayed on the first page of SERP it is important to optimize it. It increases the visibility and improves the website leading to a good experience for the visitors.